Thursday 23 September 2021

The tamariki of Rm 13 keep on learning.

Yesterday we focused our learning on things that we see in the springtime.  

We looked at butterflies and flowers.  Here is some of the work that we did at home yesterday.

Dothan drew a flower and then she was able to label the different parts of the flower.  She also made some of the insects that we see in our gardens during springtime.  Wonderful creativity Dothan.

Athena was focussed on her writing and drew a multi-coloured butterfly.  That is beautiful Athena.

Aita focussed on learning about the life-cycle of the butterfly.  She labelled the different stages of a butterflies life including caterpillar and pupa.  Awesome work Aita.


  1. Oh my goodness, Athena, Aita, and Dothan, what awesome work you three have done. I love all your artwork, and the learning you did around spring and butterflies. What wonderful learners you are. Congratulations on such fabulous work. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh, wow girls, you have been doing some amazing learning. I love the butterflies, flowers and insects that you made for your garden. I love spring, especially listening to the birds chirping. What do you girls love about Spring. Keep up the terrific work, Athena, Aita and Dothan.

  3. Hi Dothan, Athena, and Aita, Fabulous work on your learning about spring. You have created some beautiful insects, butterflies and flowers. My favourite are spring flowers because they smell so lovely and are such pretty colours. All your work includes beautiful colours of spring to.
    I hope you see some of these signs of spring in your garden or as you go walking in your neighbourhoods.
    From Mrs Forbes

  4. Hello Dothan, Aita and Athena, It is lovely to see all the amazing learning you are all doing at home. I like the spring craft things you have been doing too. Your butterflies look very pretty and colourful. From Mrs Dwyer


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