Tuesday 21 September 2021

AJ learnt a new skill in lockdown

Last week at our school assembly prefects and rangatahi  shared the kōrero "Learn a new skill". 

AJ rose to this challenge and learnt to ride a bike.  His Mum has shared a video of him learning this new skill.  It took a lot of persistence to get this.   I can see that he got better everyday and now he is really speedy!

AJ you should be really proud of yourself - awesome job.


  1. Wow AJ, you are awesome! Learning to ride a bike can be hard, you should be proud of yourself!

  2. Aj is really proud of himself Mrs Shirley and Ms Mackinlay. He zooms and stands up on his bike now. He has so much confidence riding now that we just cant believe it. The boy who was just crying falling off trying to learn to ride a bike to this little rebel. thank you for your kind words. AJ n Mel.

  3. Hi AJ, What a confident bike rider you have become, so quickly. Practise does make a big difference. Keep enjoying your riding!!
    From Mrs Forbes


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