Wednesday 8 September 2021

How to make a Tongan Flag by Dothan and Joelle

Yesterday Dothan was busy creating a Tongan flag for Tongan Language week with her big sister.

First she cut out a rectangle of cardboard.  Then she cut out a white square of paper with a cross in it.

Next she cut out another red rectangle from a shopping bag and glued them onto the cardboard.


Mālie girls - you are both very creative.


  1. Dothan and Joelle you are both very inventive in using the materials you have to hand to make a Tongan flag for Tongan Language Week. I like the way you cut a cross out of the square of white paper then laid it on the large red rectangle and the cross then showed red. From Mrs Dwyer

  2. Malie Dothan and Joelle for sharing your creative idea! I love how you both worked together to create your Tongan flags. I am going to give it a go with things around my house too. Malo aupito Dothan and Joelle.

  3. Wow, Dothan and Joelle, your Tongan Flags are awesome. It's lovely how you worked together. Keep up the good work, both of you.
    Miss Hockly


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