Thursday 30 September 2021

Our Mask day Stars

 Look at these close ups of the mīharo masks made by our friends for Wacky Wednesday.

AJ's Mask was so big he could fit his whole head inside it.  Dinosaur delight.

Leylah transformed into a feathered butterfly - beautiful.

Athena's creation was a mask which was a mass of colourful curls and ribbon.  

Wacky Wednesday - Marvelous masks

Yesterday we celebrated the last wacky Wednesday of the term by creating masks to wear to our team and class meets.

Everyone was able to put their imaginations to work and used lots of different materials to make some amazing masks.

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Aita's broom

 Aita made a very cool witches broom yesterday.  She put a cat, a dog, and a frog on the broom.

I love the witch you drew Aita, she has a very long witchy nose!

Dothan's beautiful flowers

 Dothan and her big sister are celebrating spring by picking flowers and then painting them.

Beautiful art girls!  Thanks for sending these photos Joelle.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Dothan and Joelle celebrate Tuvalu language

Dothan can count in the Tuvalu language!  Well done Dothan and thank you for sharing this with all of us. 

Athena Loves Numbers

 Its so amazing to see that everyday Athena is working hard on improving her writing of numbers and letters.  Great job Athena, it is making a big difference.  I can see that everyday you are getting better!

Aita makes a map

 Yesterday we had two stories, Walking the dog and The race.  These gave Aita lots of ideas for a map.  She made this amazing map, and wrote some new words from the 'ap' family.  Good job Aita.

Sunday 26 September 2021

Healthy Me - Healthy Aita

Aita made a poster inspired by Harolds message of eating a balanced diet.  

Aita made sure she included fruit and vegetables, eggs for protein and bread for energy.

Great work Aita.

Friday 24 September 2021

Happy Birthday Monster

 Yesterday we Ms Hockly read us the story - Monster's Vest.  

We heard that it was Monsters Birthday and that he got a vest for a present.

Athena made a bright coloured birthday card for monster.  She put five candles on the cake she drew because Monster was turning five.  We love the big number five on the front of your card Athena.

Leylah designed her own vest for Monster and put it on her doll.  She decorated the vest with flowers and butterflies.  It was beautiful Leylah.  Well done.

Thursday 23 September 2021

The tamariki of Rm 13 keep on learning.

Yesterday we focused our learning on things that we see in the springtime.  

We looked at butterflies and flowers.  Here is some of the work that we did at home yesterday.

Dothan drew a flower and then she was able to label the different parts of the flower.  She also made some of the insects that we see in our gardens during springtime.  Wonderful creativity Dothan.

Athena was focussed on her writing and drew a multi-coloured butterfly.  That is beautiful Athena.

Aita focussed on learning about the life-cycle of the butterfly.  She labelled the different stages of a butterflies life including caterpillar and pupa.  Awesome work Aita.

Wacky Wednesday Hat creations

 Yesterday was Wacky Wednesday and everyone in Team 1 used their imaginations to make some AMAZING creations from things they had in their houses.

Great job everyone.   It makes everyone happy to see what their friends and teachers have created.

Here is a close up of the fabulous creations from Rm 13 & 15.

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Dothan learns new words

Dothan has been learning to write her common words this week.  She has been writing out the words from our learning slides and using the words in her reading diary.

This is a great way to improve your writing and reading Dothan - good on you!

She also spent sometime yesterday creating Harry the Dirty Dog from our learning slides.

Harry the Dirty Dog by Aita

 Aita was inspired by the book shared on our learning slides yesterday and she made her very own

"Harry the Dirty Dog".   Well done Aita he is SO cute.

Athena is focused on her learning.

Athena has been showing great commitment to her learning all through our time at home.  She makes time everyday to practise her handwriting, learn numbers all the way to 30, read a new book and do something creative.   She also shared with us that she has been helping her Mum and playing outside.

Well done Athena on making the most of your time with our fanau.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

AJ learnt a new skill in lockdown

Last week at our school assembly prefects and rangatahi  shared the kōrero "Learn a new skill". 

AJ rose to this challenge and learnt to ride a bike.  His Mum has shared a video of him learning this new skill.  It took a lot of persistence to get this.   I can see that he got better everyday and now he is really speedy!

AJ you should be really proud of yourself - awesome job.

Friday 17 September 2021

Mey-Lee joins our Meets

It has been great seeing Mey-Lee coming to our team and class meets this week.  

She comes with her big sister Aimee-Lee.   Mey-Lee is happy to see her friends and teachers.

Duffy award winner Aita

 Congratulations to Aita for winning this weeks Duffy award from Room 13.   It has been awesome seeing all the hard work you are doing at home to continue your learning.  Well done to you and your whanau!

Here is a rainbow or Aniwaniwa in te reo Maori, that Aita created from the things she found around her whare.  

Keep up the mīharo mahi Aita.

Thursday 16 September 2021

Wacky Wednesday

Yesterday was wacky Wednesday and this week Team One celebrated the middle of the week by having a Pyjama Party!  Everyone came to our Team meet in their favourite comfy PJ's.  We also brought along our favourite soft toy to show to our friends.  We had teddy bears, dolls, elephants, giraffes and lots of other creatures.  Team One loves wacky wednesday.

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Counting in Te Reo

 Aita sent in this amazing video of her counting in Te Reo.  Mīharo  Aita.  Well done.

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Numbers are fun!

Dothan was able to make all the numbers from 1-10 using colourful ice-cream sticks.  This is such a creative way to think about numbers.

Lovely work Dothan.

AJ drives the digger

Inspired by today's learning slides and the story "The little yellow digger" AJ and his Dad made this awesome digger from cardboard boxes.

This is awesome AJ.  I bet you will have some great adventures in it. 

Athena loves Letters

This week Athena has been learning to perfect her handwriting.  

She has been writing the letters Dd and Ll.  She is working hard to make sure her letters are the correct size.  Her capital letters all go from the top  line and sit on the bottom line.  

Athena thinks about the sounds of the letters and then draws pictures of things which start with that sound.
Here she drew a colourful lollipop.  Great job Athena, your lollipop looks yummy!

Dothan can count in Te Reo

Dothan has been doing a lot of maths thinking and learning this week.  Here she is working on identifying shapes.  I like how she matched the colours of the sticks to the shapes.

Dothan shared this video of her counting to tekau.  She counted out ice cream sticks to make sure she had the right number in each container.  What a great activity to share with you friends Dothan.

Amazing work.  Mīharo!

Aita's smile

 Aita had a busy day yesterday.  

She made a healthy and happy face on her sandwich!  

That is so funny Aita!  You have made everyone smile.  

She was also happy to show us all her amazing number writing.  Aita wrote all the numbers from 1-9 to practise her number formation.  Ka pai te mahi.

Sunday 12 September 2021

Dothan's week of Learning and fun

Dothan has been making the most of her time at home with her whanau.  

This week Dothan has been making sure that she is getting lots of exercise and working on her home learning pack.

She has been keeping healthy and happy by having fun as well. 

She made this beautiful bracelet with colourful beads. 

Thanks for sharing Dothan!

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Pt England Assembly

Kia ora e te whanau, Friday is assembly day at Pt England and we are continuing to celebrate our school and our community with online asse...