Tuesday 9 November 2021

Bubble School Nature Safari

Ms Hockly has challenged team one to draw an interesting picture of something from nature.  The blue bubble went on a nature safari today to see what we could find for inspiration.

We went out onto the school field and took photos with our ipads.  We found a beetle, a worm, a moth,  buttercups and daisies.  When we went back inside we drew pictures and wrote stories about what we found.

Ruth wrote about the worm.

Arthur took a fabulous photo of the shiny black beetle.  He also drew his own picture in EE.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ruth and Arthur, It looks like you are having so much fun at bubble school. Outside taking photos and drawing pictures and writing great stories to match, amazing work!! I love it, wish I could be there too.
    From Mrs Forbes


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