Friday 26 November 2021

Bubble fun at school

We have had a great week back at school.  It has been awesome to see our friends and we have had lots of fun experiences.

Alexis blew some beautiful bouncy bubbles.

Athena wrote a story and drew a picture of all the colours she could see in the bubbles.

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Dothan can add to 20

 Today Dothan worked on our learning slides and she learnt how to add numbers to 20!

Wow great job Dothan it is great to see you on our meets too.

Monday 22 November 2021

Blue bubble welcomes our friends back to school.

 Today is the first day we will be back in our own classrooms.  

Blue Bubble wanted to share some of the fun times we had at bubble school with our friends and let them know its good to have them back.

We hope you enjoy our movie.

Sunday 21 November 2021

Finishing it off properly

 Finishing it off properly is one of our School Korero.  We know that it means to keep going until the end and give your best until your work is a good as it can be.

Room 13/15 students have been doing this at home.

Athena has been working hard at home and is coming to school next week.  Great work finishing off your distance learning.

Dothan has been working on her reading and maths AND she has been creating wonderful art projects.

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Terrific tuesday.

Room 13 has been busy today. 

 Athena has been working on her maths and writing.  She practised skip counting in 2's. 5's, and 10's.  Great job Athena, skip counting is a great way to learn about multiplying numbers.

Dothan wrote out words with the "ee" sound.  She watched the video that Mrs Lal shared and then copied the words out to learn how to spell them.  Amazing Dothan.

At bubble school Ruth,  Alexis and Caylee spent lunch time zooming around on scooters.  It was heaps of fun to be out of in the sunshine.

Bubble School Nature Safari

Ms Hockly has challenged team one to draw an interesting picture of something from nature.  The blue bubble went on a nature safari today to see what we could find for inspiration.

We went out onto the school field and took photos with our ipads.  We found a beetle, a worm, a moth,  buttercups and daisies.  When we went back inside we drew pictures and wrote stories about what we found.

Ruth wrote about the worm.

Arthur took a fabulous photo of the shiny black beetle.  He also drew his own picture in EE.

Blue bubble Monday is Marvellous

 Blue bubble made the most of the sunshine today and took the learning and fun outside.  Then we wrote about it.

Caylee had a great time making delicious items to service in the cafe.  Arthur and Ruth were the customers.  Then we wrote all about it.

Practise makes perfect.

 Everyday Athena works at home to make her handwriting perfect.

She is very careful when she writes and makes sure that her letters and numbers are the right size and shape.

She has also been practising counting in tens and ones.  She knows that 16 is 10 and 6 more!

Awesome work Athena.  

Our class family

We belong to Room 13 and 15 and we a like a family.  We are all different but we support each other.

Aita made a paper chain with all the names of our class on it to show how we are all work together.
She carefully wrote each persons name on the links of the chain.

Thursday 4 November 2021

Self-Portrait friday

 This week our creative challenge was to draw a self portrait and share it with our friends in Team 1 at our friday meet.  It was amazing to see how creative everyone was.

Athena made a great job of her portrait and she coloured it in beautifully.  Well done Athena.  We love the stars on your jumper.

Match the colours game

Ms Squires tested our memories today with a fun game in our class meets.  We really enjoyed it here in the blue bubble.

It was hard to get the colours in the right order so we all had to concentrate hard!  Boston was a star at this game.

Dear Elves by Aita

 Today we listened to the story of the Elves and the shoemaker.  Aita then pretended she was the shoe maker and wrote a thank you letter to Elves for all their hard work. 

She also wrote about the role she has in her family.  Aita is a big sister and is always helping out!

Awesome Aita.

Tens and ones by Dothan.

Dothan had to think very hard to solve todays maths problems.  She thought about how numbers are made up of tens and ones, and then she could solve the problems.  Ka pai te mahi!

The maths muscles in your brain must be growing so fast!

Athena learns about word families

 Athena has been learning how to make different words by changing the first sounds/letters of words.

Here she has made the words black and stack, sack and snack.   Awesome work Athena.

Bubble School Our Voice Our Choice Art

Today at bubble school we finished our Inquiry art projects.  We coloured and painted a bright background for our pictures.  Then we cut out and glued on our thoughts.

Alexis made a colourful background of flowers and leaves.

Serena said "I like to swim because I learnt to do flips in the water".

Boston is happy when he is outside riding his bike and scooter.

Arthur said "I can make the world better by helping people pick up the trash in the rivers and everywhere.

Caylee said "All of my family are important to me.

Ava-Lee told us she likes to do maths and she also likes art.

Wednesday 3 November 2021

G is for Great!

 Athena has been sending her work to her teachers every day.  She has been learning and growing every day.   We are very proud of you.

Great G's Athena!

Dothan is learning and having fun

Dothan has been working hard at home to finish the activities on the learning slides.   She has been writing, reading and learning about numbers.

She has been having fun with numbers by playing a game with her sister.  Learning is fun!

She made an awesome house with paper - well done that looks tricky.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Writing and learning about letter sounds

 Aita and Athena have been working really hard to learn their letter sounds and so that they can spell words.  It is also super important to know our letter sounds to help us read new words.

Blue Bubble kids write about our families.

 Blue bubble was working hard today on the learning slides that Mrs Dwyer planned for us.  

Here is Alexis practising writing the letter Dd.  She watched the clip on the class slide and then wrote lots of letters in her book.  Well done Alexis.

Caylee and Serena made booklets about their families.  Each page has a different member of their family.

Monday 1 November 2021

The first day of school for Team 1's Blue Bubble.

 Kia Ora from Bubble school.

Today was the first day of bubble school for some of our team one learners and Mrs Shirley.

We are in Room 13 and 14 and Miss Shaniah is helping us with our learning.

You can see what we have been up to on our Blue Bubble Class site.

Dothan's family like to celebrate!

 In team one we are learning about all the groups we belong to.  This week we are thinking about what it means to be part of a family.  Families like to celebrate special occasions together. 

Dothan wrote about her family.  They like to celebrate her birthday.  Lovely writing Dothan

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Pt England Assembly

Kia ora e te whanau, Friday is assembly day at Pt England and we are continuing to celebrate our school and our community with online asse...