Tuesday 19 October 2021

F is for Fill your bucket.

 Aita has been practising their handwriting and yesterday we worked on the letter F.

Aita was able to think of 12 things that start with the letter F and she drew a flag, a flower and a fork.   She filled her Mum's bucket by helping take out the rubbish. Awesome work Aita. You have made a great start to the term.  


  1. Hi Aita, Fabulous start to the term. Your letter 'F' is written beautifully with lots of great words starting with 'f'. It's so lovely to see you back on online this term. Keep up the great work and bucket filling with your kindness.
    From Mrs Forbes

  2. Hi Aita,
    Well done with your letter F practise they look great. Great work filling up your Mum's bucket and thinking of so many things that start with F. Keep it up.
    Mr Ryan


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