Wednesday 27 October 2021

Aita likes the book - Handa's Surprise

 Aita was inspired by the book on yesterdays slide.  It was the story Handa's Surprise.  Its all about a girl with some fruit and some cheeky animals.

She made a woven basket just like the one Handa carried on her head and then she made fruit kebabs using lots of different fruit just like the fruit Handa had for her friend Akeyo.


  1. Hello Aita, Paper weaving is tricky to do but you have managed to weave the paper strips in and out of the slots to make a woven basket. Well done Aita. Your kebab has got a variety of fruit on it. What a delicious healthy snack you have made. From Mrs Dwyer

  2. Hi Aita, Congratulations on getting the Duffy Certificate today 29 Oct 21. You have been great attending all the class meets and looking great today on our Loud Shirt day. Well Done.
    From Mrs Forbes


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