Monday 18 May 2020

Welcome back to Room 13.

It was a very happy day in Room 13 today as we were able to come back to school.

We talked about our home bubbles, and drew pictures of all the special whanau who were in our bubbles with us.  

We blew bubbles outside, we watched them float up high, and we saw how they popped when they touched each other. 
Now we are in our own bubbles at school.  

We have to protect our bubbles by not getting too close to each other, so we are spaced out on our desks and we have special lines to line up on.  We have to make sure we don't touch anyone else's bubble.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good Room 13 in your bubble...what colours were the bubbles you blew? Where do you think they flew off to? What has been the best thing about being back at school in your bubble? I'm really looking forward to catching up with you all again very soon...


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