Monday 27 April 2020

Anzac Day 2020

As a country we celebrated Anzac day in very different ways this year.  At Pt England school we have shown the Anzac spirit by thinking about others.  This was the theme of Fridays live streamed assembly.

Ashleigh was inspired to remember our Anzac's with some great writing and she also decorating the footpath.
Awesome work.

What did you do to remember our Anzac Tupuna?
Post a comment to share!


  1. Hi Ashleigh,

    I love your foot path decorations, it has great meaning to it!

    Stay safe!

  2. Ka pai Room 13. I love the chalk art on the pavement. I've just seen another new entrant class doing awesome learning at Wesley Primary

  3. Hi Room 13. I thought the decorations on the footpath were a great way to remember the ANZACS. The poppies looked special with their different sizes.


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