Saturday 4 December 2021

All about ice cream.

 It has been very hot at Pt England School and that made us all think about ice cream.  

Leylah said it is very refreshing and we all agree! This week we have done ice cream maths, ice cream reading, ice cream writing and ice cream art!  Finally we got to make and eat some berry ice cream.  

We hope you like our movie showing all the fun we had and great learning we did.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 13 and 17, WOW!! Delicious Ice Cream, Art, writing, reading and EATING!! GREAT movie thanks for sharing ALL the Fun you are having at school. I liked Dothan's ice cream because she had 3 colours of ice cream on hers. Your art work made the ice cream look real, like I could eat it, you did it so beautifully and great sentences to go with it. Great Work Room 13 and 17.
    From Mrs Forbes


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