Sunday 26 June 2022

Matariki funday

 This year we have celebrated Matariki with a day of art, fun and shared kai.  We started the day with a school assembly and performance from our senior kapa haka team.

Then all the Team 1 classes came together to do some fun art activities.  Some of us made hats, some of us made lanterns, some of us made paintings, and some of us made kites.

We had a matariki picnic for lunch with all the team 1 classes.  In the afternoon we made a collaborative display of the matariki stars.  

Soccer with Coach Tray.

 In Room 13 we have been learning soccer skills this term.  We have learnt how to kick the ball with the inside of our feet.  We have learnt to dribble the ball to each other and how to do throw in.

Coach Tray has taught us lots of good skills and we have had lots of fun.

Thursday 16 June 2022

We know the korero

 This term our PENN movie is all about our terms korero.  In team one we learn the prefects korero by having a quiz everyday during our team assembly.  We thought we would like to share our korero with everyone in a movie.  We hope you like it.

Monday 13 June 2022

Using NZSL to learn phonics

 In Room 13 we are lucky to have Miss Hockly teaching us the sign language for each of the letters we are learning.  This is helping us to learn to read and write.

Every day we sing our alphabet song to learn the letter names, sounds and signs.

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Pt England Assembly

Kia ora e te whanau, Friday is assembly day at Pt England and we are continuing to celebrate our school and our community with online asse...