Tuesday 24 May 2022

Planning writing with pictures

 We have been learning about how bees find their way to flowers.  We have talked about the bee dance.  Then we got to pretend to bees and do the dance ourselves.  It was lots of fun.

Then we drew pictures in our writing books.  We are learning to put lots of detail into our pictures to help us come up with ideas to write about.

Tuesday 17 May 2022

Office days

 Our tamariki are loving our play office.  They have been busy answering the phones and working on their computers.  This is one of the favourite play spaces for everyone. They are using lots of new vocabulary and learning about working in a team.  Ka pai te mahi Room 13.

Sunday 15 May 2022

Bees know the way.

 Welcome to Term 2 2022.

This term our inquiry theme is "We know the Way".  In Team 1 we will be learning all about Bees and how they find the way to flowers and then back to the hive.  Bee's can even tell each other they way to flowers.  We are going to learn all about this and then we are going to learn how to programme Beebots.
Its going to be a fun term!

The Team 1 teachers put on a play during immersion assembly about our inquiry - we hope you enjoy it.

Monday 2 May 2022

Exploring Bees through play

We have been learning about Bees.  We have learnt they are insects, and all the parts of an insects body.

Malakhi was using the magnifying glass to get an up close look at insects.  Then he put on his beekeeper hat to check out our hive.

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Pt England Assembly

Kia ora e te whanau, Friday is assembly day at Pt England and we are continuing to celebrate our school and our community with online asse...