Monday 28 November 2022

Match the letter game.

Room 13 has moved out of the classroom and into the sunshine.  We have taken some of our intital phoneme games outside.   We turned the letter game into a relay game which got us thinking and moving.  Learning is fun!

Our trip to the Zoo

On Friday Team 1 excitedly climbed on a bus and headed to the Auckland Zoo.  We were very excited to see all the animals.  Our favourites were the giraffes, the monkey and the tiger.

We all agreed we had a fabulous day!

Saturday 19 November 2022

Making maths fun with Ms Adina.

We have made a movie about all the fun we have had learning about numbers with Ms Adina.

We shared it with the whole school on PENN.  You can watch the movie here.  We hope you like it!

Wednesday 16 November 2022

Athletics Day @ PES

Today our whole school had athletics day.  We competed in lots of fun events.  We had running races, high jump and some fun games as well.

Lasalle loved the sack race.  He hopped as fast as he could.

Donovan concentrated hard during the egg and spoon race.

Timothy flew over the high jump.

What a fun day!

Thursday 29 September 2022

Art Expo

 Today we exhibited our amazing art works in the PES Art Expo. 

We created cubism inspired self-portraits which showed two emotions.  We had one side of our faces sad and the other happy.   We had to think about what our faces look like when we feel different emotions.  

We had to think about what colours feel happy and what colours feel sad.

We were so proud of our amazing work

The second part of our celebration of the arts was a special assembly where we sang a song together with the other team one classes. 


Monday 19 September 2022

Cross country fun.

Friday was the PES annual Cross Country day.  Everybody at school dressed up in their house colours and came together on the field.  We lined up with all the other Year 1 tamariki to get ready to race.

Then we got called over to the start line.  Mr Burt lined us up and we then we were off!  

We ran as fast as we could until we reached the finish line.  Everyone cheered for us!  It was a great day.

Fun with F and S

This week we have been learning all about the letters S and F.  We have learnt to write them, read them and hear the sounds the make in words.  We have used what we know about the sounds of words to read.

We play fun games to help us learn about letters.  We went outside with chalk and we wrote down the letter we heard at the beginning of the word.  

First Samuel and Malakhi listened hard to the sounds and wrote some enormous letters. Ka pai te mahi.

Sunday 11 September 2022

Team 1 Fun Day

 Miss Hockly surprised us with a special Team 1 Fun day on Friday.  It was fun spending time with teachers and tamariki from other classes.  We did craft projects.  In Room 13 we made our own Tiki to wear for Te Wiki o te reo Maori.  

Then we shared kai, played games and had an iceblock treat!  What a great day!

Friday 9 September 2022

Tongan Language Week

We love to celebrate our culture at Pt England School.  Gabriel, Luisa, Elaine and Marcus wore special clothes to celebrate their Tongan culture. 

Today we concluded Tongan language week with a special assembly performance.  We loved seeing the Tongan boys and girls dancing.

Wednesday 31 August 2022

Creating with clay

 This term Room 13 have been having heaps of fun creating with clay.  Mr Vogt has transformed maker space into a sculpture studio.  We love how it feels to manipulate the clay and make our own creations.

Thanks Mr Vogt for giving us such a cool learning experience.

Thursday 25 August 2022

Learning to read with letter sounds.

 We have been learning letter sounds using some really fun games and we have been using these letter sounds to read books.

On Tuesday we played a game of Letter Pp treasure hunt.  We were able to find lots of things in our classroom which start with the letter P.

Wednesday 17 August 2022

Fun at Kelly sport

T-Ball is a fun game that is like softball.  We have been learning new ball skills to help us play the game.

Coach Chelsea has been teaching us to catch a small ball, and swing the bat.  

The ball sits on the T and then we swing the bat and hit the ball.  First Samuel did a great job hitting the ball!

We love sport with Coach Chelsea.

Monday 15 August 2022

PENN movie term 3

 We are so proud of our happy collage we decided to make a movie to show everyone how we made it.

Today our movie was on PENN and the whole school got to watch it.  We were very proud to see ourselves on TV.

You can watch our movie here.  We hope you like it.

Friday 12 August 2022

I'm H-A-P-P-Y!

 This term we are learning all about emotions.  We have learnt that there are lots of ways to feel happy.

There are lots of words to describe the different ways we can feel when we are happy.  We have learnt some of them.   We made a happy sun collage because we think that yellow is a happy colour. 

Friday 5 August 2022

Kia Orana - Cook Islands language week

This week we have been celebrating Cook Islands language week by singing lots of Cook Islands songs and dances.  We got to see the Cook Islands dancers at assembly this morning and that inspired us to create our own beautiful 'ei katu.

Monday 1 August 2022

Life Education - Harold the Giraffe

 This week we have been so excited to visit with Harold the Giraffe in the Life Education caravan.

Harold and Sylvia taught us about being healthy and happy.  Harold showed us a movie about his trip to the park with his friends.  Harold and his friends are kind to each other and help each other to feel happy.

In Room 13 we are all friends and we are able to help each other to feel happy too. 

Thursday 28 July 2022

Learning about shapes with art.

Pablo Picasso was a famous artist who made lots of portraits using shapes and colours.  

We have been learning about shapes during our maths time.  We made portraits using lots of different colourful shapes. 

Tuesday 26 July 2022

Welcome to Term 3 - Art Works

 Room 13 are so happy to back at school.  This term we are learning all about art and how we can express our emotions through our art.  We are going to have a lot of fun in term 3.

Here is Katana in our Art Gallery which is full of famous art works from all around the world.  She is being a work of art!  You look amazing Katana!

Tuesday 5 July 2022

Programming Bee Bots

Today was fun in Room 13!  We all had a turn at programming the Bee-bots. 

First we learnt about the buttons on the Beebot.  Then everyone had a turn choosing a square for the Beebot to go to.  Then we thought about the direction and counted the squares our Bee-bot had to move to get to the right place.

Friday 1 July 2022

Disco for Ukraine

Today we had a disco to raise money for the children of Ukraine.  

At lunchtime we got to dance and have fun under te kapua.  Johnny was doing some awesome dance moves with his brother!

We wore yellow and blue because they are the colours of the Ukrainian flag.

Sunday 26 June 2022

Matariki funday

 This year we have celebrated Matariki with a day of art, fun and shared kai.  We started the day with a school assembly and performance from our senior kapa haka team.

Then all the Team 1 classes came together to do some fun art activities.  Some of us made hats, some of us made lanterns, some of us made paintings, and some of us made kites.

We had a matariki picnic for lunch with all the team 1 classes.  In the afternoon we made a collaborative display of the matariki stars.  

Soccer with Coach Tray.

 In Room 13 we have been learning soccer skills this term.  We have learnt how to kick the ball with the inside of our feet.  We have learnt to dribble the ball to each other and how to do throw in.

Coach Tray has taught us lots of good skills and we have had lots of fun.

Thursday 16 June 2022

We know the korero

 This term our PENN movie is all about our terms korero.  In team one we learn the prefects korero by having a quiz everyday during our team assembly.  We thought we would like to share our korero with everyone in a movie.  We hope you like it.

Monday 13 June 2022

Using NZSL to learn phonics

 In Room 13 we are lucky to have Miss Hockly teaching us the sign language for each of the letters we are learning.  This is helping us to learn to read and write.

Every day we sing our alphabet song to learn the letter names, sounds and signs.

Tuesday 24 May 2022

Planning writing with pictures

 We have been learning about how bees find their way to flowers.  We have talked about the bee dance.  Then we got to pretend to bees and do the dance ourselves.  It was lots of fun.

Then we drew pictures in our writing books.  We are learning to put lots of detail into our pictures to help us come up with ideas to write about.

Tuesday 17 May 2022

Office days

 Our tamariki are loving our play office.  They have been busy answering the phones and working on their computers.  This is one of the favourite play spaces for everyone. They are using lots of new vocabulary and learning about working in a team.  Ka pai te mahi Room 13.

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Pt England Assembly

Kia ora e te whanau, Friday is assembly day at Pt England and we are continuing to celebrate our school and our community with online asse...