Tuesday 31 August 2021

Leylah and the daisies.

Leylah's Mum shared some of the wonderful activities that she has been up to in lockdown.  Well done Leylah you are so creative!

Monday 30 August 2021

Aisha is learning at home

 Thanks Aisha for sending me this photo of you working hard on your learning. 

Her big sister has helped her to get on our class meets.  I love seeing how our whanau are supporting each other at home.

Friday 27 August 2021

Athena's amazing week of learning

Well done to Athena and her aiga who have been joining the meets everyday.  

Athena does lots of learning each day and sends it to her teachers to see.  

You are doing an amazing job Ka pai Athena.

Friday 20 August 2021

Learning at Home.

The wonderful learners in Room 13 have been joining our Team 1 meets and sharing their learning with their classmates and teachers.  It's so good to be able to see and talk our friends even though we are at home.  Well done!

Monday 9 August 2021

Life education - A visit from Harold the Giraffe

 Harold and his friend Whaea Sylvia has been visiting our school.  We had two visits with Harold and learnt alot about healthy eating.

We learnt that eating a variety of food is important to make us healthy.

We saw what the inside of our body looks like and we got to see Harold.  We learnt alot and had lots of fun too.  Thanks for coming to see us Harold.

Friday 6 August 2021

Friday fun day - Team 1 rotations

 Over the last few weeks we have been visiting the other teachers in team 1 and learning lots of fun things.

We have learnt to play music with Ms Hockly, we have learnt to dance with Miss Lowans, and we have done art with Mrs Lal.  When our friends came to Room 13 they got to make some healthy food.

We have been learning that to be healthy we should eat food that is all the colours of the rainbow.

We sliced and chopped fruit and then threaded it onto our kebab sticks.

We made rainbow coloured fruit kebabs.  They were healthy and Yummy!

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Doctors at work in Room 13.

Dafi and Aita had lots of fun today exploring how our bodies work.  They were both doctors.

Aita checked Dafi's heart beat.  We have been learning that the heart is a muscle that pumps blood around our body.  We can feel our hearts beating faster when we exercise.

Dafi was checking for germs in the body and then he performed an operation.  So much fun.

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Pt England Assembly

Kia ora e te whanau, Friday is assembly day at Pt England and we are continuing to celebrate our school and our community with online asse...