Friday 26 February 2021

School Picnic

Today was a great day for us in room 13. We all went to Pt England Beach and had a picnic. Lots of our whanau came along. We shared food, played games, swam and played in the sand. It was a brilliant day and we all had heaps of fun.

Swimming lessons are fun.

This week our swimming lessons started. We love being in the water. Elysabeth said I like splashing in the water. Gano said I like to float. Paul said I am splashing with my feet. Ava said I like swimming.

Visit from the Prime Minister


Yesterday we were very lucky to have a visit from our Prime Minister. She was interviewed by some of our senior students. It was a very exciting day.

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Tiaki Taonga - sharing our treasures

On todays team meet we shared the things that are treasures in our lives.  

Mrs Shirley showed us her dog, Suzie.  Ms Hockly showed us some special books she made for her sons.

Mrs Lal showed us pictures of her son's.  Aroha showed us her toy dog.

Can you see yourself in our meet?

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Learning from home

Learning from home is fun!

Today we had a great Team 1 google meet and shared what we have been doing at home.  

We are meeting online each morning at 9.30am each day of level 3. 

You can join us by clicking on this image 

Mrs Lal had a slide with some cool maths for us to do.  

Gano and Elysabetha had fun working on this and look at the awesome job they did!

Well done girls - ka pai te mahi!

Sunday 14 February 2021

Room 13 are Duffy Kids

 The Duffy theatre came to visit Pt England School on Friday.  

They put on a very funny play for us about Duffy staying on his Aunty's farm during last years lock down.  

He lots of crazy adventures on the farm.  Jade and Kohatu thought it was hilarious when Duffy was chasing the chickens.  

We all loved the play and hope they come back again soon.

Friday 12 February 2021

Team Assembly

 Yesterday we had our first Team One Assembly.  We got together with Room 18 and the teachers gave certificates to people who had been AMAZING this week.

Well done to Jackson for being an awesome helper in our classroom and Jeremiah for finishing off all his work carefully!

Thursday 11 February 2021

Room 13 loves our healthy lunches.

We are very lucky to be part of the Ka Ora, Ka Ako programme which means that everyday we get to have a healthy lunch.

We bring our own morning tea and water bottle.   And then at lunchtime we get our own yummy lunch.  Today we had a chicken pasta, yoghurt and a banana!

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Welcome to School for 2021

 Welcome to Pt England School!

Today was the first day of learning in Room 13. We have two teachers Miss Hockly and Mrs Shirley.
It was exciting to be back with our friends and to meet some of the tamariki new to our school.  

We can't wait to get on with our learning!

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Pt England Assembly

Kia ora e te whanau, Friday is assembly day at Pt England and we are continuing to celebrate our school and our community with online asse...