Thursday 24 September 2020


 Today we finished our paintings inspired by the legend of Maui and the sun.

We used red, orange and yellow crayons and water colours.  We are really proud of our work.

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Our classroom garden.

 In spring time we see lots of flowers growing.  

Today we planted flowers and strawberries in the garden outside our classroom.  

Marriane told us about how she gardens with her Grandma.  Te Awhina thinks that our classroom is going to look beautiful when the flowers come out.  Paula loves strawberries and is excited to try the ones that we grow.


We have been learning about the seasons of the year.  We wrote stories about springtime.

Steven drew this picture of red flowers on the ipad. Great work Steven.

McKenna recorded this awesome story about Springtime.  Well done McKenna.

Kyra-Lee did this work on the ipad - Awesome job!

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Maui and the sun

 Today we listened to the legend of Maui and how he slowed it down.

We made these pictures on the ipads. 

Paula made this cool picture listen to him tell you about Maui.

Ruth made this.

Our term 3 movie

 In room 13 we have been learning lots of fun maths.  We made this movie to share with the school so that they can see what we have been doing.

We hope you like it.

Saturday 12 September 2020

Cross Country 2020

 Friday was cross country day and the whole school came out to cheer each other on.

We were lucky that the sun was shining and we got to race against all of the other Year 1 classes.

It was cool to see all the children and  teachers dressed up in their house colours.

Here are all the boys lined up ready to race.

Then the girls got to race.

After the race Mr J played cool music for us to dance to!

Tongan Language week.

We have had heaps of fun this week learning some Tongan words, listening to Tongan stories and music.

Marcus's sister came into class to show us her beautiful traditional Tongan clothes. 

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Bikes are fun

Today we wrote about riding our bikes.

Peyton drew an awesome picture and wrote this story on the ipad

 Blessing did this awesome work too. Great job Blessing.

TeAwhina also wrote her story on the ipad.  Awesome picture TeAwhina.

Wacky Wheels Funday Friday

 Friday was a fantastic day for everyone at Pt England School.  

We celebrated coming back to school with a Wacky hair, Wheels day.  

We wore mufti and rode our bikes, scooters and skateboards at lunchtime.

Mr Burt gave us a special ride on his bike.  He went fast it was so much fun!

Thanks Mr Burt.

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Back to School for Level 2

"Come on back to school!" says Jay.  

We are having lots of fun.  Here is Jay using some colourful paints.

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Pt England Assembly

Kia ora e te whanau, Friday is assembly day at Pt England and we are continuing to celebrate our school and our community with online asse...