Monday 25 November 2019

Zoo Trip

Friday was an exciting day for Team 1.  We had our much anticipated Zoo trip.

We headed out on buses and were soon enjoying all the sights, sounds and smells! of the zoo.

The children were so excited to see the animals "for real".  Despite the heat and being very tired from alot of walking all the children were very well behaved.
It was a quiet trip back to school with many sleepy kids.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Manaiakalani film festival

What a great day we had on Wednesday.  We travelled on buses to Hoyts Cinemas and watched some of the amazing movies made by Pt England School pupils.

It was the first time we had seen our movie and we were so proud of it.  Thanks to Mrs Squires for putting in together for us.  You can view it here on Mrs Squires class blog.

Certificate Assembly with a difference

Our usual Thursday assembly was a chance for all the classes in Team one to say a special thank you to the amazing staff who support us to make the most of our learning.

The wonderful Mrs Forbes, Mrs Fester, Miss Vili and Mr Dow received well deserved Teamwork awards!

Our student certificates this week went to S.J and Losa.  Well done!

Athletics Day

Thank you to all the whanau who made it along to share our athletics day on friday. 

What a great day full of sunshine and fun. 

The tamariki say it best "We love athletics"

Saturday 2 November 2019

Goldilocks and the three bears.

We spent Thursday afternoon putting on a play for each other. 
We took turns acting out the roles on our classroom stage.

The three Bears were played by...

Teuila, Losa and Jacob                                                                       Tolati, Cullai and Samson.

Goldilocks was played by Carnita                                                           Niah


Jack and the Beanstalk

As part of our inquiry into Dance and Drama we have been learning about the traditional story of Jack and the beanstalk.  We have listened to the story, acted it out using dress-ups. We planted our own beans and wrote stories about it.

Maybe our beans will be magic too!!!

We put cotton wool balls and water into a plastic bag.  We put the bags on the window so we could see the roots and stems grow.  Then we waited.

After one week our beans were starting to sprout.

After two weeks the beans were growing roots, stems and leaves!


Thursday 24 October 2019

Certificate Assembly

We have two certificate assemblies so far this term.
Well done to our classmates for their hard work and great attitudes to learning.

Fun at the Disco

The Glow in the Dark Disco was fun for everyone.  It was great to see so many of our classmates there.  

There were some great outfits and amazing dancing.  

Our Team 1 Fairy Godmother even made a special appearance.

Welcome to Term 4

Welcome to Room 13.

We were joined by six wonderful new students this term.  As well as a Duffy bookbag each child received a Sistema lunchbox. 

Thursday 17 October 2019

Term 3 highlights

What a busy term 3 we had in the New Entrant space.
We were joined by many new students who have all settled in well to school life.  Well done to you all.

Our term focus was "Something in the Water - He mea i roto e te wai".  This has given us many great learning opportunities in writing, reading, maths and art.

The highlight of our term was the beach visit, when we had the chance to enjoy an afternoon at our very own Pt England Beach.

Thursday 19 September 2019

Cross Country

Well done to all the tamariki who ran in our cross country on Monday. 

Thankfully the sun shone  making it a lovely afternoon for the students and all the whanau who came to watch.  Thank you for supporting our runners.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Team 1 Assembly

On Thursday mornings Team 1 gather together to congratulate the star learners in each class.
Well done to this weeks winners who have shown great attitudes to learning and are making great progress.

Ka pai tamariki!

Thursday 5 September 2019


This week tamariki new to school were lucky to be gifted a Sistema lunchbox.  
The lunch boxes have been put to good use full of nice healthy kai to give us energy for our learning.

Hip Hop Lessons

This term we have been getting our groove on with Hip Hop lessons.  
It has been lots of fun learning to express ourselves with movement to music.
Today we learnt a dance.

Sunday 11 August 2019

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Pt England Assembly

Kia ora e te whanau, Friday is assembly day at Pt England and we are continuing to celebrate our school and our community with online asse...